
Pond Lillies Artwork

"Pond Lillies at the End of Summer"

November Field artwork
"November Field"
Remove Before Flight Artwork
"Remove Before Flight"
Gloomy Night Artwork
"Gloomy Night"
A view inspired by a trail at a local park - I've often wondered what it might look like at say, 1 am - long after the last visitor has left, with a fog moving in, and nighttime animals and birds taking over for the next few hours. 

"After the Snowfall"
Sunset in the Creek artwork
"Sunset in the Creek"
I've always liked the "Golden Hour" - that time when the sun is well on its way to sinking beneath the horizon - and indeed is already below foliage and buildings - but the sky is still alight and casting interesting shadows and colors on the ground below. The creek provides opportunities for such reflections - but due to the dense overhead canopy of branches and leaves in the summer, these are often fleeting. What I tried to capture here was one such instant, with the ground momentarily taking a purplish hue reflected from the clouds, and the shallow water itself just briefly going pinkish.

Approaching Storm artwork
"Approaching Storm"

"Autumn Evening in the Woods"

"Autumn Skyline"

"Droplets on the Leaves"

"Convent in the Fall"

Montour Trail

Down at the Stream


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These and many more pieces are available at:
Christopher Reed -  (
Prints can be ordered in a variety of sizes, materials and framing choices.
Thank you for looking!